Ben Sampson Headshot

Hey, I'm Ben!

I build, buy, and invest in businesses.

I've had 2 successful exits. Way more failures.

I write about building Freedom Companies to achieve what I call the three freedoms:

A life of financial freedom.
A life of time freedom.
A life of creative freedom.

I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 where I write about businesses and people that I think are inspirational when it comes to creating freedom in their lives, or updates on the businesses we're building and buying.

This newsletter is the highlight of my week and I hope I can inspire and guide you to building your own freedom company.

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I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 where I write about businesses and people that I think are inspirational when it comes to creating freedom in their lives, or updates on the businesses we're building and buying.

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Every CEO has a hot button issue

Let me put you in the room with me (in my shoes so to speak). You’re in discussion with 8–12 CEOs. The conversation is incredibly engaging. One member wants to talk through their platform strategy. Another is recruiting top talent and wants to know the head hunters and the executives to meet. Another member wants to reshape their research organization and ready it for an AI world. One member wants to grow, scale & exit; he joined us at less than $1 million in revenue and sold his company for over $200 million. You’re on the edge of your seat because you know you can help someone else. There are no competitors in the room and no one’s judging you.

Why am I sharing this? I joined Outsell in 2015. For the past 20 years, this company has invested thousands of hours and millions of dollars in creating the ideal advisory environment for CEOs in the data, information, and tech industry. It’s called OLC, short for Outsell Leadership Community. The science behind the structure and curation of this community is beautiful and worth sharing. The success stories from this community are vast, and the team here at Outsell felt that we should share some of our favorites to help folks understand “what we do”. These are 10 of our favorite short success stories that have come out of the Outsell Leadership Community in the past 20 years. If there is one lesson I can share with you after looking through many of these cases, and being in the room with hundreds of CEOs, is that every CEO has a hot button issue, and every CEO has a place to discuss it.

Note: We keep the names of our members and their companies private. Hence why you will see each member of a case referred to as: OLC Member.

Talent — An OLC member came to us wanting to retire and needed help finding the right candidate after his original successor did not work out. We were able to identify an outbound OLC member from another company, put them in touch and has since been hired.

Validation — An OLC member wanted us to validate their strategy, spend time with their board, and sit in on a board meeting to discuss strategy. One of our team members did just that, providing successful validation of the future moves of the company.

The Art of the Exit — So many OLC members, so many exits. OLC member companies statistically outperform competitors across the board. We can’t name names of the acquisitions, but you can bet you know so many of them. It’s been billions of dollars in deal flow. You’d be amazed at the deals that get done by virtue of the network, and how much the network supports great decisions that make great companies so valuable.

A Network That Sticks — A powerful personal network that you can take with you anywhere. One member negotiated OLC into his separation package and took us with him to his next role.

Structure — An OLC member wanted ideas on how best to organize product management and sales functions. Outsell and OLC members reviewed their case study and provided actionable recommendations and results.

New Markets — Outsell supported an OLC member in their move across the Atlantic in both directions identifying new lucrative markets.

Testing — An OLC member was able to test a new business model with a confidential audience of CEOs. The result was the answer to his feasibility study.

Reviews — Big decisions should have even bigger support groups. OLC members canvassing the experience of other members on supplier relationships and costs.

Investment — One of my favorites. Outsell introduced the CEO of an emerging company OLC member to the Chairman of another member company which led to a personal investment in the young business.

Practical Help — An OLC member was looking to implement a 360-degree appraisal system and wanted to learn from the experiences of others. A request to the OLC Community network produced 10 introductions to members who shared tips on what worked and what didn’t and she was able to introduce the system with confidence.

This is just a handful of the many case studies that we have on hand. These are the conversations that we have every single day. These are a selection of the topics that are top of mind for CEOs. We’re here to make sure they’re successful.

To learn more about Outsell and its solutions, visit us here, or contact us.