Ben Sampson Headshot

Hey, I'm Ben!

I build, buy, and invest in businesses.

I've had 2 successful exits. Way more failures.

I write about building Freedom Companies to achieve what I call the three freedoms:

A life of financial freedom.
A life of time freedom.
A life of creative freedom.

I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 where I write about businesses and people that I think are inspirational when it comes to creating freedom in their lives, or updates on the businesses we're building and buying.

This newsletter is the highlight of my week and I hope I can inspire and guide you to building your own freedom company.

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I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 where I write about businesses and people that I think are inspirational when it comes to creating freedom in their lives, or updates on the businesses we're building and buying.

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I’m back with another jam-packed letter of things I’m currently finding interesting 🔥

What we’ll cover:

Surround yourself with people that are younger than you
How I’m using ChatGPT
Trojan horse mindset in larger companies #GSD
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, design f*cking matters
You’re how old?

When I was just out of college, I had a goal of surrounding myself with people that were older and much more successful than I was. I’m lucky to call many people that fit these criteria my dear friends today.

Now I’m in my 30s, and I’m actually finding value in the opposite direction. I’m spending a few hours a month with high-energy college kids that are gung-ho about building businesses and making money. What I love about this:

  • These college kids are super creative. They are thinking outside the box and outside the typical guidelines for building a successful business because they have never lost or failed. Some have ideas that I for sure never would have thought of.
  • Way ahead on new tech waves like web3 and AI. I thought I was ahead of the curve when it comes to tech. I’m definitely not!
  • Hustle. The college kids I’m surrounding myself with are hungry! Keeps me excited and hungry as well.

The ultimate reminder here: Surround yourself with people that make you better 🚀

Let’s ChatGPT about it

My co-founder and I asked our team how they have been using Chat GPT. Some team members, haven’t used it at all. Others have been finding massive productivity gains in the tool. None of what I’m sharing in regard to AI is groundbreaking but I find sharing about use cases is really helpful.

  1. Sales scripts and sequences. AI is getting me 90% of the way there!
  2. Finding services, restaurants, etc. I’m currently in Palo Alto for work. This morning I asked, “What is the top-rated restaurant within .5 miles of the Residence Inn in downtown Palo Alto”. Now I’m here writing this email to you all! Or did AI write this? 🤔
  3. Industry research. “What are the top 5 web agencies for nonprofits and what is their average service pricing?” Just an example for y’all!

Write me back and tell me how you’re using ChatGPT! If you’re reading this and haven’t used Chat GPT yet, you’re behind the 8 ball. Don’t be a dinosaur. Stay ahead!

Trojan horse in large companies

Big companies move slower. Is that a surprise? No. Is that a problem? It can be, but maybe in some cases, it doesn’t have to.

As many of you reading this know, our company WeHero was acquired in March. We definitely had a move-fast and GSD culture. We still do. The goal is to keep that and carry it into the new parent company. How are we doing that? I call it trojan horsing (does that sound bad?). Here’s what it’s comprised of:

  • Finding quick little wins to build momentum across teams.
  • Not just flagging problems but proposing detailed well thought out solutions that you and your team can tackle for the company (not giving them more work).
  • Getting initiatives underway and then notifying the parent company that the train has already left the station. This pushes speed on their side of the equation.

I think all of these in combination are creating progress and helping all stakeholders reach their goals. Have ideas for us? We’d love to hear them!

Final random thoughts from me

When people are looking to pay for a solution, they are looking for the following in the 30 seconds you have their attention (if that):

  • Social validation (are other people or companies that I know using this)
  • Price validation (can I afford this)
  • Quality validation (does this look like an easy-to-use premium solution)

Design and killer copywriting are how you deliver 80% of this. In other words, design f*cking matters people!

Ben Sampson is a product nerd and current co-founder at WeHero (it was acquired recently so he’s not really sure what his title is now). He has built 4 companies in the past 10 years, and worked as a consultant for 4 years helping some of the largest companies in the world like Bloomberg, Dun & Bradstreet, etc. make some of the best products in company history.

Yes, I wrote this in 2nd person because it just sounds sooo much cooler! See you all on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Disclaimer: I don’t pay an editor to review my writing. If I made a typo you can publicly humiliate me on Twitter or LinkedIn. If you find any of my writing too direct or unprofessional, god made an <unsubscribe button>.

It actually wasn’t a god. Just some guy named Jared Dunn.