I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur. Β
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I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur.
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Ben's 1x1x1 - July 26, 2024 π - I looked at 38 businesses this week. My take away.
For those of you that are new here, every week I send what I call a 1x1x1. β One learning, reminder, or interesting thought from my week. One interesting find/tool from my week. One image from my life.
Let's dive in π
Interesting thought from the week
I looked at 38 businesses this week for potential acquisition targets.
Many have a business that is dramatically different than the business they set out to start.
The reminders:
Business plans are largely a waste of time unless you're raising capital. Just start the business.
Focus your time out the gate on confirming your users/clients will actually pay for your product or service. Stop grinding away on something if you don't even know if people will pay for it.
Pivot and adjust quickly to the market signals and needs.
When we started WeHero, it was a browser extension. Then it became one of the largest providers of volunteer experiences globally. Very different business!
Interesting find/tool of the week
I haven't been on Indie Hackers in awhile, but they now have an area where founders can add their businesses with their revenue and share updates.
I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur. Β