Ben Sampson Headshot

Hey, I'm Ben!

I build, buy, and invest in businesses.

I've had 2 successful exits. Way more failures.

I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur. Β 

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I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur.

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Ben's 1x1x1 - May 17, 2024 πŸš€ - How To Hire

For those of you that are new here, every week I send what I call a 1x1x1.
One learning, reminder, or interesting item from my week.
One interesting find/tool from my week.
One image from my life.

Let's dive in πŸ‘‡

Learning/reminder of the week

This is what matters when it comes to hiring.

There are so many things that make up a good hire. I try to keep my hiring methodology simple.

I look for these traits in every candidate:

πŸ‘‰ Work ethic

πŸ‘‰ Highly adaptable

πŸ‘‰ Accountability / ownership

πŸ‘‰ They're a good human

If the candidates have these traits, 9 out 10 times they wind up being great hires.

Interesting find/tool of the week

I just learned about Kixie this week. It sounds like a breakfast cereal, but without the carbs. Now I know how sales reps are cranking out 250+ phone calls a day!

Image from my life

Daily post work walks for the win!

See you all next week!