Ben Sampson Headshot

Hey, I'm Ben!

I build, buy, and invest in businesses.

I've had 2 successful exits. Way more failures.

I write about building Freedom Companies to achieve what I call the three freedoms:

A life of financial freedom.
A life of time freedom.
A life of creative freedom.

I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 where I write about businesses and people that I think are inspirational when it comes to creating freedom in their lives, or updates on the businesses we're building and buying.

This newsletter is the highlight of my week and I hope I can inspire and guide you to building your own freedom company.

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I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 where I write about businesses and people that I think are inspirational when it comes to creating freedom in their lives, or updates on the businesses we're building and buying.

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Ben's 1x1x1 - May 3, 2024 🚀 - NO

For those of you that are new here, every week I send what I call a 1x1x1.

One learning, reminder, or interesting item from my week.
One interesting find/tool from my week.
One image from my life.

Let's dive in 👇

Learning/reminder of the week

The hardest thing for me to say - No.

I'm a yes man.

Being a yes man can be beneficial, mainly for opening doors and making new connections. Also makes me happy to make people happy.

Lately my yes man habits have been coming at a huge cost. Saying yes to the wrong client, the wrong projects, the wrong leisure activities, have been absolutely destroying my health and energy.

It's a reminder of the strength in being able to say no. The ability to ignore the short term guilt for the long term ability to create more value for more people as a result.

Goal for the next month is to say no as much as possible. To stay focused on the right goals.

Interesting find/tool of the week

Need a good form builder for surveys, applications, etc? I love Tally. Super easy to use and has a clean design. My go to!

Image from my life

Every now and then I suit up for my Zoom calls.

See you all next week!