I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur.
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I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur.
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My 100th email! - Ben's 1x1x1 - February 6, 2025 🚀
For those of you that are new here, every week I send what I call a 1x1x1. One thought from my week. One interesting find/tool from my week. One image from my life.
Let's dive in 👇
Thought from the week
Wow... crazy to think I have written 100 of these emails.
If you’ve been here since email #1, THANK YOU. If this is your first email, don’t worry, you’re only 99 behind.
I thought a lot about what to write today.
And what kept coming back to me is something that comes up when I speak to college students. They're legitimately scared. Scared of how competitive it is when it comes to starting a business.
They think the world is full of relentless killers, grinding 24/7, leaving no room for them to succeed as if it's just a bunch of Elon Musks out there. But here’s the reality: The bar is super low. It's so easy to be exceptional.
Let me give you some examples of just how low the bar is.
The average person walks 4,000 steps per day (basically to the fridge and back).
80% of podcasts don’t make it past episode 3.
Most people quit their New Year's resolution by January 17th (just two weeks in!).
Americans spend 3+ hours a day on their phones, yet say they have “no time” to work out.
The average person reads less than one book per year (unless you count tweets).
You don’t have to be great to win. You just have to show up consistently.People think the secret to success is being the smartest or the most talented. It’s not.
Be the person who just keeps going. Just shows up and does the work.
There is so much opportunity out there because the bar is just so damn low and getting lower.
Get after it! 🚀
We're hiring
Pono Ventures is hiring for a Senior Project Manager. Know anyone that is a good fit? Please send them our way!
Interesting find/tool of the week
I’ve been stepping up my meditation game.
At this point, I’ve tried every meditation app on the market.
Headspace, Calm, that weird one where a British guy whispers affirmations like he’s trying to sell me essential oils.
But recently, I started using The Way, and I gotta say… I’m hooked.
Between this and some regular sauna sessions, I am so zen it’s almost a problem.
Like, someone cut me off in traffic today, and instead of screaming, I just smiled and wished them well.
Am I okay? Am I legally obligated to start wearing linen robes and saying “namaste” unironically? Unclear.
Either way, if I get any more relaxed, I might just levitate.
I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur.