Ben Sampson Headshot

Hey, I'm Ben!

I build, buy, and invest in businesses.

I've had 2 successful exits. Way more failures.

I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur. Β 

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I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur.

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The Anti Salesman - Ben's 1x1x1 - November 15, 2024 πŸš€

For those of you that are new here, every week I send what I call a 1x1x1.
One thought from my week.
One interesting find/tool from my week.
One image from my life.

Let's dive in πŸ‘‡

Thought from the week

I had 8 sales meetings this week.

50% were belly to belly which I love.

But I don't think of them as sales meetings.

These are "value slap" meetings. My goal is to deliver as much value as possible.

Here is my kinda weird approach / mindset for making the most out of the 60 minutes I have with a new prospect.πŸ‘‡

I get to my meetings 10 minutes early.

I literally just sit in the car for 5 minutes and think about all the ways I can provide value in the short amount of time I have.

I get in the right headspace and then it's go time.

First up - BIG question energy.

My questions are usually something like the following. Steal these πŸ‘‡

  • What is the biggest roadblock that is holding you back from reaching your goals (personally and professionally)?
  • What would an amazing 2025 look like for you (personally and professionally)?
  • What is something that would make your life easier?
  • If you could remove one part of your job what would it be?

I actively take notes during our meeting, writing down key takeaways as well as ways I think we can support.

I then try to provide as much value during that 60 minutes in any way I can.

I rarely talk about our businesses. I just talk about how we can solve their problems.

After we part our ways with a handshake or a hug (I'm a big hugger)the final step of the "value slap" is the follow up email.

My follow ups usually contain one or the following:

  • Introductions to new connections
  • Resources that I think could be helpful
  • Offer to have follow up meetings to dive deep on specific gaps or challenges we spoke about

I almost always ask for nothing.

"So Ben, when do you actually close any business?"

Money < Time, energy, and relationships

My process isn't perfect, nor is it the most effective. But I share it because this mindset shift has worked for me.

I genuinely believe I'm helping that person sitting across the table from me and if it makes sense, we'll do business together.

That mindset makes the job a lot of fun for me.

Interesting find/tool of the week

A little 9 minute motivation for your weekend.

"Letting go of something good, for the chance at something that you think could be great."

video preview


Image from my life

In between seasons.

See you all next week!