Ben Sampson Headshot

Hey, I'm Ben!

I build, buy, and invest in businesses.

I've had 2 successful exits. Way more failures.

I write about building Freedom Companies to achieve what I call the three freedoms:

A life of financial freedom.
A life of time freedom.
A life of creative freedom.

I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 where I write about businesses and people that I think are inspirational when it comes to creating freedom in their lives, or updates on the businesses we're building and buying.

This newsletter is the highlight of my week and I hope I can inspire and guide you to building your own freedom company.

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I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 where I write about businesses and people that I think are inspirational when it comes to creating freedom in their lives, or updates on the businesses we're building and buying.

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The path to a $3.3M property 🏠 - Ben's 1x1x1 - September 13, 2024 🚀

For those of you that are new here, every week I send what I call a 1x1x1.

One interesting thought from my week.
One interesting find/tool from my week.
One image from my life.

Let's dive in 👇

Thought from the week

Outcomes > ideas

Look, I love a good business idea as much as the next guy. It’s like caffeine for my brain — gets me hyped and grinding.

But here’s the trap I used to fall into: I’d get so fired up by the idea that I’d lose sight of what really matters — the outcomes.

I’d jump headfirst into a business without stopping to ask, “What does success actually look like if this thing works?” That led me to building a bunch of businesses that sounded cool but went nowhere.

So I flipped the script. Now, I start with the outcome and reverse-engineer the business to get me there.

Let me give you a fun example: There's this $3.3 million dream property I’ve got my eye on.

My new game? “What kind of business can I build that makes buying this place effortless — like, doesn’t even make a dent in my finances?”

The outcomes I need:

  • $20,000 in post-tax profits every month.
  • The business has to hit that number in 12 months.
  • I want to work less than 10 hours a week on it.
  • No travel, no hassle.
  • Fewer than 5 employees.

With those targets locked in, I can start brainstorming businesses that actually fit. It’s like putting bumpers on the lane so I don’t gutter-ball the next 6 months of my life.

And it’s not just about money. You can set outcomes like, “I want to impact 5 million kids” or “I want to be the go-to AI guy in my city.”

The point is, if you start with the outcome, the ideas that follow are so much sharper.

So yeah, love your ideas — just make sure the outcome leads the way.

That’s how you get results that matter.

Interesting find/tool of the week

I'm going old school! I've been sending a crazy number of handwritten thank you cards and outreach letters recently. It is incredibly effective. With AI tools, people are becoming increasingly spammed and bombarded.

People are really appreciating the human touch.

Need to reach someone? Send them an authentic hand written letter. It won't disappoint.

Image from my life

My family got a break from the wildfires in Oregon and made the trip to my hometown of Mt. Shasta. I was quickly reminded how beautiful this place is.

See you all next week!