Ben Sampson Headshot

Hey, I'm Ben!

I build, buy, and invest in businesses.

I've had 2 successful exits. Way more failures.

I send one action packed email a week called a 1x1x1 covering crazy cool businesses I spot, updates on what we're building and buying, and lessons from the journey of an entrepreneur.  

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Who's your hype man? - Ben's 1x1x1 - February 28, 2025 🚀

For those of you that are new here, every week I send what I call a 1x1x1.

One thought from my week.
One interesting find/tool from my week.
One image from my life.

Let's dive in 👇

Thought from the week

Every Friday, I watch this video 👇

I’ve easily accounted for 200 of the views. Maybe 300.

Hell, I might be single-handedly funding this guy’s ad revenue.

But can you blame me?

This dude, Mufasa, is not just fired up for Friday.

He’s got the greatest hype man of all time backing him up.

And that got me thinking…

Everyone needs a hype man.

A hype hero.

A personal “LET’S GOOOOOO” machine.

I’ve been lucky to have a few of these people in my life.

Family, close friends, mentors.

People who, when I was staring down a tough decision, didn’t just pat me on the back but threw a bucket of rocket fuel on me and lit the match.

So now, I try to do the same.

For friends and family chasing something big, I try to hype them the hell up.

I will unsolicited texts like, “YOU’RE A BEAST.”

I will clap so hard at your success that people will think I’m in the front row of a Post Malone concert.

Because here’s the thing.

When you’ve got someone in your corner, hyping you up, it makes the hard days easier.

It makes the wins feel even bigger.

So if you don’t have a hype man, start recruiting.

And if you do… make sure you’re being one too.

Now go get it.

Interesting find/tool of the week

I love books. PDFs. Blogs. Whatever. Big fan.

But actually sitting down and reading them? Lol. Not happening.

My brain says, “Hey, let’s be productive.”

My schedule says, “You have 47 unread emails, and crying baby to look after. Please stop pretending.”

But I do have one superpower.

I’m always wearing a headset, bumping piano music like I’m scoring a dramatic movie scene or listening to a podcast that makes me feel like I’m improving my life without actually doing anything.

So when my buddy Justin told me about ElevenReader, I got hyped.

Basically, you throw any text at it (a book, an article, some boring legal doc) and boom, it spits out audio.

And because I’m a man of culture, I made it read in a British accent so I can trick my brain into thinking I’m absorbing something deeply intellectual.

This is the kind of efficiency hack I live for.

Thanks Justin.

Image from my life

I just saw an OG Cat tractor with the original Caterpillar logo designed like, yes, an actual caterpillar.

And let me tell you… I got fired up.

Yes, I know that makes me a nerd. No, I do not care.

Something about old-school branding, when companies just went for it, gets me hyped.

Like, “What should our logo be?” Uhh… maybe the thing we literally named the company after?

Simplicity. Genius. A+ execution.

Anyway, if you see a grown man losing his mind over vintage heavy machinery, just know it’s me.

See you all next week!